Saturday, December 23, 2017

Weeks 13 and 14

 We reviewed the Chhotii "U' kii maatra words that we learned in Week 12:


We also did ु related pages in the students' workbook.

 In Week 14, we learned the following new words:

कुछ (Some)
चुप (Quiet)
दुकान  (Store/Shop)
घुटना (Knee)

For homework, please review the words with your child. Please say the word in English and see if your child can then say the translation in Hindi. Then have your child practice the word.

We also started a new game. Each student starts out with $100 monopoly money. We then pass a bucket around the room, and music is playing in the background. When the music stops, the child holding the bucket takes a piece of paper out from the bucket. The piece of paper will have a question, and a money value attached to it. For example "Count from 1-20 in Hindi. $5". If the student performs the task correctly, they get $5.

We will hopefully play the above game every week, and the students will accumulate money. At the end of the semester, I will open up a "shop" in class where the students will be able to use the money to buy various nick-knacks.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week 12

 Today we learned words with the छोटी उ की मात्रा. These were the words we went over:


We also played a game of snakes and ladders,of course incorporating what we've learned (vocabulary, songs, spelling etc) in the game.
For homework, please show your child the following pictures. Ask them to identify the picture in Hindi, and then write the word (it's the words above)

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