Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Midterm Exam Preview

Here is a preview of the midterm exam. We will be reviewing all of this over the next 2 weeks.

For the oral exam, we will ask the student to translate 5 sentences into Hindi. The sentence formats are shown below. The nouns/verbs that they will need to know are also listed below.

Translate the following sentences into Hindi:

1) This ___ is ____ 

Examples: This fire is hot
(Yeh aag garam hai)

This nose is big
(Yeh naak baRaa hai)

2) That ____ is _____

Examples: That fruit is sweet
(Voh phal meethaa hai)

That fire is hot
(Voh aag garam hai)

3) The ____ is not ____

Examples: The water is not cold
(Paanii thanDaa nahiin hai)

The fire is not hot
(Aag garam nahiin hai)

4) I have a   ____

Examples: I have a book
(Mere paas kitaab hai)

I have fire
(Mere paas aag hai)

5) Where is the _____  ______ ?

Examples: Where is the small queen?
(ChhoTii raani kahaan hai?)

Where is the hot fire?
(Garam aag kahaan hai?)

Aag (fire)
Haath (Hand)
Kaan (Ear)
Naak (Nose)
Ghar (House)
Phal (Fruit)
Gilaas (Glass)
ChiRiya (Bird)
Kitaab (Book)
Paanii (Water)
Raanii (Queen)
Kursii (Chair)

Good (Achchaa)
Sweet (MeeThaa)
Red (Laal)
Big (baRaa)
Small (ChoTaa)
Green (Haraa)
Black (Kaalaa)
Hot (Garam)
Cold (ThanDaa)


The student will be shown a selection of 5 of the following words, and they will be asked to write down the English meaning of the word:

कल              (tomorrow/yesterday)
दस           (ten)
घर         (home)
काला         (black)
बाल            (Hair)
चार            (Four)
दिल             (Heart)
गिलास          (Glass)
घड़ी           (Watch/Clock)
पानी          (Water)
खुश         (Happy)
चुप          (Quiet)
चूहा           (Mouse)
जूता       (Shoe)
पूजा        (Prayer)

The student will be given 5 of the following words in English, and they will be asked to write the words in Hindi:

Flower    फूल
Milk      दूध
Happy     खुश
Quiet     चुप
Three     तीन
Day   दिन
Heart     दिल
Red     लाल
Fire   आग
Four   चार
Nose    नाक
Home   घर

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week 16

   We started the class of with the "pass the parcel"-type game that we first played in Week 14.. The children had opportunities to earn more Monopoly money (Reminder: We'll be doing a bazaar in a future class, where the students will be able to spend their earned virtual money). The game was quite fun and ended up lasting for most of the class.
  We then went on to learn the following new words:

पूजा (pooja) (prayer)

सूरज (sooraj) (sun)

फूल (phool) (flower)

भालू (bhaaloo) (bear)

सूखा (sookha) (dry)

For homework: please say the above words in English, and have your child say the translation in Hindi. Then have your child practice writing the word.

NOTE: The midterm exam will be on Feb 11th. We will spend the next 2 weeks reviewing what we have learned so far. There will not be any specific homework. I would just ask your child to practice and review for the midterm. In a few days I will post what the students should expect on the exam.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Week 15

 This week we started off with a game of pictionary and then moved on to the next maatra. The ChhoTii "u" makes the sound you would hear in English words like "pull" and "full." The baRii "u" makes the sound you would hear in english words like "pool" and "fool"

पुल is prounced "pull"

पूल is pronounced "pool"

We learned the following new words:

आलू  "aaloo" (potato)
चूहा "chooha" (mouse)
जूता "joota" (shoe)
दूध "doodh" (milk)
झूला (jhoola) (swing)

For homework, please ask your child to practice writing the above words and memorize their definition.

Here is a joke
What did one milk say to the other?

"What's up, दूध "

After learning the word जूता  we watched the video and started learning the words to the chorus of "meraa joota hai japanii"