Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week 7

This week we learned the ई maatraa.

Please make sure your child can distinguish the difference between the sounds of इ and ई

इ makes a short "i" sound, like what you hear in the following English words: "hit"  "pill"

ई makes a long "ee" sound, like in the words: "feel" "cheer"

When the ई maatraa is in the middle or end of a word, it is written as follows:

क + ई + ल = कील  (pronounced: keeeel)
ग + ल + ई  = गली 

(compare this to the इ  maatra , which goes to the left)
क + इ + ल = किल  (pronounced: kill)

Here are the new words from this week:

मीठा (miiThaa) (sweet)

गाड़ी (gaaRii) (car)

तीन (tiin) (three)

हाथी (haathii) (elephant)

घड़ी (ghaRii) (watch/clock)

पानी (paanii) (water)

रानी (raanii) (queen)

मछली (machhalii) (fish)

तितली (titalii) (butterfly)

पीला (piilaa) (yellow)

नीला (niilaa) (blue)

गीला (giilaa) (wet)

For homework this week, please have your child practice saying the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The car is black.
2) That elephant is big.
3) My watch is small.
4) The water is not cold.
5) That queen is pretty.
6) This bird is yellow.
7) That fish is red.
8) This laddoo is sweet.
9) My hair is wet.
10) That butterfly is blue.

Answers are here:

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 6

Today we reviewed the इ words that we learned last week. We then also reviewed sentence formation.
 Homework this week consists of 2 parts:

1) PART 1:
Practice writing the following words:






2) PART 2:

Look at the pictures below, and say the word in Hindi. Then match the pictures with the words written at the bottom:

Image result for heart

Image result for book

Image result for bird

Image result for diya

Image result for hairy nose


Image result for fire



Sunday, October 14, 2018

Week 5

  This week we learned about the letter इ , and how it is used in words.
  When a word starts with इ , you write the letter as you normally would (just as you would if a word starts with अ  or आ ). However if इ is in the middle or at the end of the word, then it becomes the "ChhoTii i kii maatra"

क + इ  = कि 

ब + इ = बि 

Please emphasize to your child the pronunciation of "इ ". It is the short "i" sound, like in the English words "bill" or "hit"
Please make sure your child doesn't make the longer "ee" sound that is in words like "key" and "bee"

Today we learned the following words:

दिन (din)  (day)
दिल (dil)   (heart)
किताब (kitaab) (book)
पिता (pitaa)  (father)
गिलास (gilaas) (glass)
चिड़िया (chiRiyaa)  (bird)
दिया (diyaa)  (diya)

For homework, ask your child to say the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The day is good

2) My heart is big

3) That book is black

4) My father is not small

5) This glass is cold

6) That bird is pretty

7) This diya is hot

Answers are in the video below:

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 4

  We spent the first half of the class today reviewing the words we've learned over the past 3 weeks. 
  We then learned how to make basic sentences that start with either the word "THIS" or the word "THAT." or the word "MY"

The word "THIS" in Hindi is "yeh"
The word "THAT" in Hindi is "voh"
The word "MY" in Hindi is "meraa" or "merii" 

"This house is big" becomes:
Yeh ghar baRaa hai

"That house is big" becomes:
Voh ghar baRaa hai

"My house is big" is:
Meraa ghar baRaa hai

"This house is not big" is:
Yeh ghar baRaa nahiin hai

This week's homework:

1) Practice writing the following Hindi words:

2) Say the following sentences in Hindi:

- This fire is hot
- That fire is not hot
- My nose is not big
- That nose is big 
Image result for big nose

Next week we will learn the ि  maatraa
Here are the answers to part 2 of this week's homework: