Sunday, December 12, 2021

Week 13 Midterm exam preview

 Midterm exam preview

 PART 1:

You will be given 5 words that are written in Hindi. You will need to write the English translation next to the word.  The words given will be from this list:



You will be given 5 words in English. You will need to write the Hindi translation of the word. The words will be given from this list:

You (the familiar form, not "aap")











You will be given 10 sentences that you need to translate orally:

The house is big

This house is not big

I am small

You are far

The queen is good

Where is the water?

The water is here

The water is not there

Her grandmother is good

She is big

Part 2 answers (note, you will not be given the answers during the exam)


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Week 11

 This week's lesson focused on speaking. We learned the word for "my", which is "meraa" or "merii". Whether you use meraa or merii depends on whether the thing you own is masculine or feminine (not whether you yourself are a boy or a girl)

My grandmother is big = merii daadii baRii hai

My king is big = meraa raajaa baRaa hai

We then learned the words for "your":  "tumhaaraa" or "tumhaarii"

And the words for "our": "hamaaraa" or "hamaarii"

An the words for "his" and "her" (The same word is used for his or her):  "uskaa" or "uskii"

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Week 10

 Today we continued learning words with the "baRii u maatraa". We also learned how to say sentences in the format "I am ____" . We also learned the word बहुत    ("very"):

1) Am ("hoon") हूँ

2) Potato ("aaloo") आलू

3) Prayer ("poojaa") पूजा

4) Bear ("bhaaloo") भालू

5) Sun ("sooraj") सूरज

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Week 9


     Today we learned two new adjectives (both how to say them and how to write them):

New = nayaa   नया

Old = puraanaa   पुराना


   We then learned the next maatraa,  the "baRii u kii maatraa." This maatraa makes the long "oo" sound, like in the English words "pool" and "fool".

Compare: प + उ + ल = पुल (pronounced "pull") प + ऊ + ल = पूल (pronounced "pool")

Here are the other new words we learned today:

फूल (phool) (flower) चूहा (choohaa) (mouse) जूता (jootaa) (shoe) दूध (doodh) (milk)

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Week 8

We wrote the words:




Then we moved on to the next maatraa: उ  

Unlike the previous maatraas, this one goes underneath the letter.

So:  क उ = कु

Here are the words we learned today:

खुश (khush) (happy) चुप (chup) (quiet) गुलाबी (gulaabee) (pink) तुम (tum) (you)

 For our oral lesson, we learned how to say sentences that start with the word "tum". Remember, if the sentence starts with "I" ("main") then it ends with "hoon"

If the sentence starts with he or she ("voh") then it ends with "hai"

If the sentence starts with you ("tum") then it ends with "hoon"

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Week 7

 Today we learned the following words:

पीला   (peelaa) (yellow)


हीरा   (heeraa) (diamond)


लड़की  (laRkee) (girl)


नीला (neelaa)  (blue)


दही (dahii)  (yogurt)


कहानी (kahaanee) (story)

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Week 6

  This week we learned the ई maatraa. Please make sure your child can distinguish the difference between the sounds of इ and ई:

इ makes a short "i" sound, like what you hear in the following English words: "hit" "pill" ई makes a long "ee" sound, like in the words: "feel" "cheer" When the ई maatraa is in the middle or end of a word, it is written as follows: क + ई + ल = कील (pronounced: keeeel) ग + ल + ई = गली (compare this to the इ maatra , which goes to the left) क + इ + ल = किल (pronounced: kill)

Here are the words we learned today:

1) Grandmother: नानी (naanee) (mother's mother), दादी (daadee) (father's mother)

2) मीठा (meeThaa) (sweet)
3) गाड़ी (gaaRee) (car) 4) तीन (teen) (three) 5) हाथी (haathee) (elephant) 6) घड़ी (ghaRee) (watch/clock) 7) पानी (paanee) (water) 8) रानी (raanee) (queen)

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Week 5


Week 5

     Today we practiced our reading skills. For our oral lesson, we learned the Hindi words for:

1) Where (kahaan)

2) Here (yahaan)

3) There (vahaan)

 Please remind your child that the "n" sound at the end is a nasal "n" and not a "hard n".

Sentence: Where is the king?

In Hindi the words are re-arranged to: King where is?

Raajaa kahaan hai?

The king is here -> Raajaa yahaan hai

The king is there -> Raajaa vahaan hai

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Week 4

  Week 4

For our oral lesson today, we learned 4 new words:

1) Close ("paas")

2) Far ("door")

3) Very / A Lot ("bahut")

4) Good ("achchaa")

We practiced saying sentences with the above words

For the written part, we went to the next maatraa: इ maatraa. When a word starts with इ , you write the letter as you normally would (just as you would if a word starts with अ or आ ). However if इ is in the middle or at the end of the word, then it becomes the "ChhoTii i kii maatra"

क + इ = कि ब + इ = बि Please emphasize to your child the pronunciation of "इ ". It is the short "i" sound, like in the English words "bill" or "hit" Please make sure your child doesn't say the longer "ee" sound that is in words like "key" and "bee"

The words we learned today were:

दिन (din)  (day)
दिल (dil)   (heart)
किताब (kitaab) (book)
पिता (pitaa)  (father)
गिलास (gilaas) (glass)
चिड़िया (chiRiyaa)  (bird)

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Week 3

  We started this week with an oral lesson. Today we learned the words for:

1) This ("yeh")

2) That ("voh")

3) He/She (also "voh")

 As a reminder, here are the adjectives we learned in the first two weeks: clean, dirty, small, big, sweet, yellow, red, blue

This week we learned two new adjectives:

Hot = "garam"

Cold = "ThanDaa"

 We practiced saying sentences like: "This bus is yellow", "She is clean", "That hand is not dirty"

  Next we learned a few more words with the "aa" maatraa:

1) King = raajaa राजा

2) Song = gaanaa गाना

3) Mango = aam  आम

4) Carrot = gaajar   गाजर

5) Grandfather (father's side) = daadaa  दादा

6) Grandfather (mother's side) = naanaa  नाना

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Week 2

 This week we learned our first maatraa:    When a word starts with  then you simply write the whole letter. So,   +   = आग

    However, if the   sound is in the middle or at the end of the word then you write it as a "maatraa". The   maatraa is simply a vertical line.

So,  ल   +  +  ल    =  लाल 

Today we learned the following words:

Fire = aag आग Hand = haath हाथ Nose = naak नाक Ear = kaan कान Four = chaar चार

Clean = saaf साफ़

Red = laal लाल 

Black = kaalaa काला 

Today = aaj आज

For our oral lesson today we learned two new adjectives:
saaf (clean) (we also learned how to read and write this word)
gandaa (dirty)

Last week we had learned how to say sentences such as "The bus is red"
Today we learned how to say sentences such as "The bus is not red"

In Hindi, the words would be re-arranged as follows:
The bus is not red --> bus red not is  (bus laaal nahiin hai)

We also learned how to say words in the format "I am ___". The word for "am" is "hoon"
I am red ---> I red am  (main laal hoon)
For an adjective that ends in "aa" such as "gandaa", a girl would say "main gandii hoon" whereas a boy would say "main gandaa hoon"

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Week 1


Week 1

 Welcome to Hindi 2. Here you will find a summary of what we learned during class:

1) We learned to read, write, and say the following words:

घर (house) बस (bus) दस (ten) फल (fruit) हम (us/we) कल (yesterday/tomorrow)

3) Oral.
We learned to say the following adjectives:

meeThaa (sweet) peelaa (yellow) neela (blue) chhoTaa (small)
baRaa (big)
laal (red)

We learned how to say sentences in the following format: The __(noun)___ is ___(adjective)___ For example let's look at the sentence: The house is big When you translate it into Hindi, the word "the" is dropped. THE is not used in the sentence. And then the order of the words is changed. "The house is big" becomes "house big is" The house is big = ghar baRaa hai

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Lesson 21

  Here are some new verbs:

Cut = kaaT काट

Touch = chhoo छू

Watch = dekh देख

Think = soch सोच

Ask = poochh पूछ

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Lesson 20

 Today we learned how to say sentences in the present continuous format that begin with the word "We". ("हम")

We are coming = Ham aa rahe hain

We are going = Ham jaa rahe hain

We are eating = Ham khaa rahe hain

"hain" is written like this: हैं

Then we learned the following verbs:

1) Sing = gaa गा

2) Dance = naach नाच

3) Drive (a car) = chalaa चला

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Lesson 19

Today we learned 3 new verbs:

1) Read = "paRh"  पढ़

2) Write = "likh"  लिख

3) Make = "banaa" बना

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lesson 18

 We learned the following new verbs:

Do = 'kar'  कर

Eat = 'khaa'  खा

Drink = 'pii'   पी

Play = 'khel'   खेल

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Lesson 17

 Today we learned how to say present continuous sentences starting with "You."  How you say the sentence will depend on whether YOU is male or female.

You (male) are coming = Tum aa rahe ho

You (female) are coming = Tum aa rahii ho

Sentences that start with "tum" end in "ho". Sentences that start with tum will not have "rahaa" in them - instead it will be either "rahe" or "rahii"

We learned the following new verbs today:

Give = "de" दे

Take = "le" ले

Sleep = "so" सो

Jump = "kood" कूद

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lesson 16

 Today we learned how to say and write sentences in the following format:

I am ____ing.

He/She is ____ing.

(noun) is ____ing.

We learned the word for "come":  (aa)

We learned the word for "go": जा (jaa)

I am coming = Main aa rahaa hoon  (boy)  मैं आ रहा हूँ

                        Main aa rahii hoon (girl)  मैं रही हूँ

I am going = Main jaa rahaa hoon (boy)  मैं जा रहा हूँ

                      Main jaa rahii hoon (girl)  मैं जा रही हूँ

The king is going = Raajaa jaa rahaa hai राजा जा रहा है

The king is coming = Raajaa aa rahaa hai

The queen is going = Raanii jaa rahii hai रानी जा रही है

The queen is coming = Raanii aa rahii hai

She is going = Voh jaa rahii hai 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Lesson 15

 The children were introduced to the final maatra: औ

Note the difference in the sound between ओ and औ

ओ makes an "o" sound like you would hear in the words: boat, rope, jello

The औ sound is closer to (but not exactly) what you would hear in words like: hot, call, saw

Here are the new words from this week:

खिलौना (toy) (khilaunaa)
मौसम (weather) (mausam)
औरत (lady) (aurat)
और (and) (aur)
कौन (who) (kaun)

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lesson 14

 Today we learned the next maatraa: ओ (The "o" sound)

क + ओ = को र + ओ = रो We then learned the following words with the ओ maatraa: घोड़ा (ghoRaa) (horse) चोर (chor) (thief) मोर (mor) (peackock) छोटा (CchoTaa) (small) मोटा (moTaa) (fat) टोपी (Topii) (hat)

We reviewed the word हो "ho". If a present tense sentence starts with "tum", it would end with "ho". You are red = tum laal ho

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Lesson 13

 We learned and reviewed the ऐ maatraa. This maatraa is similar to the ए maatraa -- it goes above the letter. However instead of one line, there are two lines:

क + ए = के क + ऐ = कै We learned the following words: मैं (me/I) (note the dot at the top, which gives the nasal sound) है (is) पैर (foot) पैसा (money)

We also learned to write the sentence: "My name is ____"

Please make sure your child knows how to write their name in Hindi.

मेरा नाम ______ है

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Lesson 12

 Today we learned the ए maatraa. The ए maatraa goes above the consonant:

क + ए = के म + ए + र + आ = मेरा We learned the following words: मेरा / मेरी (meraa / merii) (my) केला (kelaa) (banana) पेट (pet) (stomach) शेर (sher) (lion) पेड़ (peR) (tree) सेब (apple) अकेला (lonely, alone) A note about मेरा / मेरी: मेरा is used if what belongs to you is masculine. मेरी is used if what belongs to you is feminine. Merii maa Meraa laRkaa