Sunday, September 16, 2018

Week 1

Welcome everyone to Hindi-2!
Here you will find a summary of the week's lesson, along with homework. 

We started off playing a game that involved recognizing letters that were written on the board. The kids were rusty, but that is to be expected after a long summer break! So that brings us to homework, part 1. Please show your child the following letters, and see if they recognize them:







Next we learned how to put three sounds together to make two-letter words:
For example, k + uh + l  (क + अ + ल )
When you write the word in Hindi, the middle अ is dropped, so you basically write the two consonants in succession.
क + अ + ल = कल 
घ + अ  + र  = घर 

We learned the following 5 words:

कल  (yesterday/tomorrow)
फल (fruit)
घर (house/home)
बस (bus)
दस (ten)

Homework part 2: please have your child practice writing the 5 words above. Once by having them copy the word as they see it, and the 2nd time by telling them the word in English and asking them to write it in Hindi (that will probably be tough for now)

Finally the students, came up with adjectives in order to form basic sentences with the above words. These are the adjectives that we have learned so far:
black ("kaalaa")
yellow ("peelaa")
red ("laal")
green ("haraa")
big ("baRaa")
small ("ChhoTaa")
round ("gol")

For the speaking part of the lesson, we explored how to say sentences in the following format:
The ____ is ____
In Hindi, the word "the" is not used, and then the order of the last two words is flipped.
The English sentence "The bus is yellow" would turn into "bus yellow is" when it is translated into Hindi.
The English sentence "The house is red" would turn into "house red is".

Homework part 3. Please have your child try to say the following sentences in Hindi:

The fruit is small
The house is big
The bus is red

Here is what that would sound like in Hindi:

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