Saturday, December 23, 2017

Weeks 13 and 14

 We reviewed the Chhotii "U' kii maatra words that we learned in Week 12:


We also did ु related pages in the students' workbook.

 In Week 14, we learned the following new words:

कुछ (Some)
चुप (Quiet)
दुकान  (Store/Shop)
घुटना (Knee)

For homework, please review the words with your child. Please say the word in English and see if your child can then say the translation in Hindi. Then have your child practice the word.

We also started a new game. Each student starts out with $100 monopoly money. We then pass a bucket around the room, and music is playing in the background. When the music stops, the child holding the bucket takes a piece of paper out from the bucket. The piece of paper will have a question, and a money value attached to it. For example "Count from 1-20 in Hindi. $5". If the student performs the task correctly, they get $5.

We will hopefully play the above game every week, and the students will accumulate money. At the end of the semester, I will open up a "shop" in class where the students will be able to use the money to buy various nick-knacks.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week 12

 Today we learned words with the छोटी उ की मात्रा. These were the words we went over:


We also played a game of snakes and ladders,of course incorporating what we've learned (vocabulary, songs, spelling etc) in the game.
For homework, please show your child the following pictures. Ask them to identify the picture in Hindi, and then write the word (it's the words above)

This png image - Single Red Rose PNG Clipart Image, is available for free download

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 11

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!

Last Sunday we went over 4 new concepts:

In Front (aage)
Behind (peeche)
Up (Oopar)
Down (Neeche)

We practiced sentences using the above concepts.

For homework, please ask your child to try to speak the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The white elephant is in front
2)  I am behind
3) The black bird is up
4) You are down

We also played a game of pictionary. A student would draw something on the board, and the children had to guess the drawing in Hindi.

We sang the Aaj Mangalvaar Hai song, and watched a new song: "Aha tamaaTar baRaa hai mazedaar": (Starts at 6:56)

Next week we will learn the next maatra

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week 10

 Today we reviewed the बड़ी  ई  की मात्रा words from last week. We also learned the following new words:


The students practiced making sentences with the above words. We emphasized trying to make sentences using the concepts of यह, वो , कहाँ , यहाँ , वहॉं , and क्या .

मीठा फल कहाँ है?
मीठा फल यहां है
यह गुलाबी हाथी अजीब है

We played a game involving a pig and a crocodile. Team मगरमछ was the winner today.

Next the kids did Page 17 in their language workbook. Finally, we watched the आज मंगलवार है video (see previous week's post for the link).

For homework: 1) Please have your child do page 17b in the workbook
2) Have your kid watch the aaj mangalvaar video, and start to learn the words.
3) Quiz your child on the ई मात्रा words from this week and last week (definition, word recognition, and possibly spelling)

Here are the lyrics to the song:

Aaj mangalvaar hai
Choohe ko bukhaar hai
Aaj mangalvaar hai
Choohe ko bukhaar hai
Choohaa gayaa doctor ke paas
Doctor ne lagayii sooyii
chooha bola "Ooyii, ooyii, ooyii!"

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weeks 8 & 9

   Last week the students did Pages 11 & 12 in their workbooks. If your child was away, please have them do those pages at home. The children also played games involving writing small Hindi words on the board and translating English words into Hindi. Finally they practiced speaking Hindi sentences in the format "I like ....." and "I don't like... "

Please note: At this point in the year, your child should be relatively comfortable recognizing and eventually writing most Hindi consonants. Please test them by asking them to read you the following letters:


If your child is unable to recognize at least 4 out of the 6 above letters, please work with them on letter recognition. Also please let me know so Suneetha ji  and I can spend extra time with them.

 This week we learned the words क्या , कहाँ , वहाँ , यह , and   वो  We practiced saying several sentences with these words. These are tricky concepts, but practice will make perfect. We will continue to practice next week. In the meantime, ask your child to try to speak the following sentences in Hindi:

1) What is this? यह क्या है?
2) This is a pink pig. यह गुलाबी सूअर है
3) What is that? वह क्या है?
4) That is a yellow bus. वह पीला बस है
5) Where is the big house? बड़ा घर कहाँ है?
6) The big house is here. बड़ा घर यहां है
7) Where is the beautiful queen? सुन्दर रानी कहाँ है?
8) The beautiful queen is there. सुन्दर रानी यहां है

 Next we moved on to ई की मात्रा
The students learned the following words:
  Quiz your child by saying the above words in English and asking them to translate into Hindi. Ask your child to practice writing the words.

Finally we watched the video आज मंगलवार है , which was quite funny. You can find this at 3:16 in the video below. This will be one of the songs we will be performing on Language Day later in the spring, so encourage your child to watch the video at their leisure.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Week 7

 We started class by talking about how we were going to dress up for Halloween. For example:

" मैं  HARRY POTTER बनूँगा "

We then worked on इ मात्रा sections in the Hindi workbook - pages 13, 14, and 15a.

Finally we played a game that combined basketball, a गुलाबी सुअर , and Hindi!

For homework, please show your child the following words and see if they are able to read them (and tell you the meaning!):










If they are having a difficult time with letter recognition, please contact me and I will spend extra time with them. By the second half of the year, if your child cannot recognize Hindi letters then they might fall behind. By the end of the year we will aim to have them be comfortable writing basic words in Hindi.

My emphasis is definitely on the spoken language, but they are certain reading and writing skills that we need to teach too.

I will be away for Week 8, but Suneetha Ji will be there.

One more thing - we watched a couple of nursery rhyme videos. The kids enjoyed these, and we'll watch more as the year goes by! We watched the song at 8:39 (नानी नानी)

And also: लालाजी ने केला खाया :

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 6

Wishing everyone a happy diwali!

Image result for diya

(incidentally one of the news words we learned today was दिया )

We started off class by reviewing all the words that we have learned so far. Quiz your child by asking them to say the word: Example "How do you say FIRE in Hindi?'
It seems like most of the students know most/all the words. Here is the list so far:

Nouns: घर जग बस फल दस कल आग बाल हाथ दाल कान नाक चार

Adjectives: दस, लाल, काला, चार, आठ , हरा, गुलाबी, नारंगी, काला, सफ़ेद, पीला, नीला, लाल, छोटा, बड़ा , खट्टा , मीठा , अच्छा, बुरा/खराब, ठंडा , गरम 

Next we broke off into smaller groups and practiced making sentences with these words. These are the sentence formats we practiced:

The new concept we went over is  "मुझे ____ चाहिए".  We also went over the negative form in a sentence, such as "मुझे ____ नहीं चाहिए " "मेरे पास ___ नहीं है "  The students came up with some clever and funny sentences!

Finally we learned the छोटी इ की मात्रा and a few new words:


For homework, please ask the students to create (speak) sentences with the above words. Please try to have them include the concept of  चाहिए , and also please challenge them to say sentences in the negative.
Some examples:

यह दिन अच्छा है

यह किताब अच्छा नहीं है

मुझे गरम दिया चाहिए

गिलास मे ठंडा पानी है

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 5

  This week we learned the concepts of "मेरे पास" and "में ". The children created and practiced speaking sentences combining these phrases with the nouns and adjectives that they had learned earlier. Examples:

मेरे पास मीठा फल है
बस में लड़का है

I am confident that the students will retain these concepts with continued practice. So for homework please ask them to practice sentences with मेरे पास , and में , ideally with adjectives in them.

We also did a couple of pages in the Hindi Level 2 workbook pertaining to आ की मात्रा

Finally, we played a game of Pictionary. A student would pick out an English word from a piece of paper in a hat. They would then make a drawing of that word on the board. The teammates would then have to guess the word, in Hindi, and then write the word on a piece of paper. We only got to play a couple of rounds before time ran out, so we'll resume this on Week 6. For Week 6 we will also introduce छोटी इ की मात्रा

Also I would like to introduce Suneetha Mudunuri. Suneethaji will be helping teach the children. Welcome Suneetha Ji!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 4

रसरी आवत जात ते, सिल पर परत निसान

This week we started off by reviewing our adjectives from Week 3. The students also practiced writing the nouns that we learned in Week 2. Then we continued to practice forming sentences combining adjectives from Week 3 with nouns from Week 2.

We then went on to learn about आ की मात्रा
We learned the following words (meaning and spelling) :


Finally we played a game of Simon कहता है , which the kids enjoyed. We did phrases such as: Simon कहता है "कूदो!", and then the children had to jump. But only if I said Simon Says!

For homework, please try to make sure the students know the meanings of the words. Then ask them to form sentences with the words (आग गरम है ) If they have time they can also practice writing the words.

Next week we will continue forming sentences with the words, and we will also practice writing/spelling. We'll also go over concepts such as "I have" and "inside" (such as मेरे पास ____ and घर में ____  )

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 3

Today we focused on adjectives. We took two words from the six that we learned last week, and then the children together came up with adjectives that could be used to describe those words.
We then translated the adjectives into Hindi, and then played games involving making sentences with the adjectives and the nouns.
The two nouns we used today were:
These were the adjectives the children ended up using for घर . Of course some of these adjectives are trickier, and I wouldn't expect the kids to remember these. But the idea is to make the students more comfortable forming sentences, and to try to expand their vocabulary with some basic words (note: we learned how to say the words, we didn't do spelling or writing or reading):
हरा , गुलाबी, बैंगनी, काला , सफ़ेद , अजीब , डरावनी , नारंगी , नीला , लाल, बड़ा , छोटा , पीला

For फल the children chose the following adjectives:
खट्टा , मीठा , अच्छा , खराब/बुरा , स्वादिष्ट , रसभरा

For homework I am asking the students to do the first 3 pages in their workbook. Many of them already completed most of the homework at the end of class.
Also please encourage them to make sentences with the 6 words from last week (see week 2 blog post for a reminder), but now incorporating adjectives if they can (orally only. Written sentences will generally be for Hindi 3).

Next week, we will start words with आ की मात्रा

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Week 2

Dear Parents,

 This week we learned different 2-letter words:


The children took turns writing the words on the board, and they also made sentences with the words.
For homework, please ask the student to write the words and their definition. Also please encourage them to speak some basic sentences with these words, such as:
यह बस पीला है
जग में पानी है
मेरे पास दस फल हैं
As the year goes on I would like to try to expand the children's vocabulary and have them be more comfortable expressing basic thoughts in Hindi.
If you have the time, please point at random Hindi letters and see if your child can recognize them. If you notice particular areas of weakness, please let me know and I will try to emphasize them.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Week 1: Welcome

Welcome to Hindi 2!

Dear parents,
   नमस्ते !
  Welcome to Hindi 2 at Shishu Bharati in Walpole. I will use this page to make announcements and provide updates (including homework, summaries of what was done in class, etc). You can always contact me with any questions at:  

Our first class was an introduction. The students should each have a language book and a workbook. Please make sure your child brings a pencil and paper/notebook, along with the 2 Hindi books, to class every week.  Most of the students knew each other from Hindi 1, but there were also some new kids. It's normal for the students to be a little rusty, so we reviewed our vowels and certain consonants. We also practiced some basic vocabulary (colors, numbers, body parts) and some simple sentences, like मेरा घर बड़ा है

  For homework I have asked the students to write all the letters of the Hindi alphabet on a piece of paper. Please try to make sure that your child has a fairly good handle on recognizing and writing the letters of the alphabet within the next few weeks. Otherwise they will fall behind as the year moves on and we learn to read and write words.

  I am hope your child has an enjoyable and enriching time in Hindi 2. We seem to have a wonderful group of students, and I think the year will be a lot of fun!

Vikas Tewari

Image result for hindi alphabet