Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 6

Wishing everyone a happy diwali!

Image result for diya

(incidentally one of the news words we learned today was दिया )

We started off class by reviewing all the words that we have learned so far. Quiz your child by asking them to say the word: Example "How do you say FIRE in Hindi?'
It seems like most of the students know most/all the words. Here is the list so far:

Nouns: घर जग बस फल दस कल आग बाल हाथ दाल कान नाक चार

Adjectives: दस, लाल, काला, चार, आठ , हरा, गुलाबी, नारंगी, काला, सफ़ेद, पीला, नीला, लाल, छोटा, बड़ा , खट्टा , मीठा , अच्छा, बुरा/खराब, ठंडा , गरम 

Next we broke off into smaller groups and practiced making sentences with these words. These are the sentence formats we practiced:

The new concept we went over is  "मुझे ____ चाहिए".  We also went over the negative form in a sentence, such as "मुझे ____ नहीं चाहिए " "मेरे पास ___ नहीं है "  The students came up with some clever and funny sentences!

Finally we learned the छोटी इ की मात्रा and a few new words:


For homework, please ask the students to create (speak) sentences with the above words. Please try to have them include the concept of  चाहिए , and also please challenge them to say sentences in the negative.
Some examples:

यह दिन अच्छा है

यह किताब अच्छा नहीं है

मुझे गरम दिया चाहिए

गिलास मे ठंडा पानी है

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