Friday, October 27, 2017

Week 7

 We started class by talking about how we were going to dress up for Halloween. For example:

" मैं  HARRY POTTER बनूँगा "

We then worked on इ मात्रा sections in the Hindi workbook - pages 13, 14, and 15a.

Finally we played a game that combined basketball, a गुलाबी सुअर , and Hindi!

For homework, please show your child the following words and see if they are able to read them (and tell you the meaning!):










If they are having a difficult time with letter recognition, please contact me and I will spend extra time with them. By the second half of the year, if your child cannot recognize Hindi letters then they might fall behind. By the end of the year we will aim to have them be comfortable writing basic words in Hindi.

My emphasis is definitely on the spoken language, but they are certain reading and writing skills that we need to teach too.

I will be away for Week 8, but Suneetha Ji will be there.

One more thing - we watched a couple of nursery rhyme videos. The kids enjoyed these, and we'll watch more as the year goes by! We watched the song at 8:39 (नानी नानी)

And also: लालाजी ने केला खाया :

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 6

Wishing everyone a happy diwali!

Image result for diya

(incidentally one of the news words we learned today was दिया )

We started off class by reviewing all the words that we have learned so far. Quiz your child by asking them to say the word: Example "How do you say FIRE in Hindi?'
It seems like most of the students know most/all the words. Here is the list so far:

Nouns: घर जग बस फल दस कल आग बाल हाथ दाल कान नाक चार

Adjectives: दस, लाल, काला, चार, आठ , हरा, गुलाबी, नारंगी, काला, सफ़ेद, पीला, नीला, लाल, छोटा, बड़ा , खट्टा , मीठा , अच्छा, बुरा/खराब, ठंडा , गरम 

Next we broke off into smaller groups and practiced making sentences with these words. These are the sentence formats we practiced:

The new concept we went over is  "मुझे ____ चाहिए".  We also went over the negative form in a sentence, such as "मुझे ____ नहीं चाहिए " "मेरे पास ___ नहीं है "  The students came up with some clever and funny sentences!

Finally we learned the छोटी इ की मात्रा and a few new words:


For homework, please ask the students to create (speak) sentences with the above words. Please try to have them include the concept of  चाहिए , and also please challenge them to say sentences in the negative.
Some examples:

यह दिन अच्छा है

यह किताब अच्छा नहीं है

मुझे गरम दिया चाहिए

गिलास मे ठंडा पानी है

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 5

  This week we learned the concepts of "मेरे पास" and "में ". The children created and practiced speaking sentences combining these phrases with the nouns and adjectives that they had learned earlier. Examples:

मेरे पास मीठा फल है
बस में लड़का है

I am confident that the students will retain these concepts with continued practice. So for homework please ask them to practice sentences with मेरे पास , and में , ideally with adjectives in them.

We also did a couple of pages in the Hindi Level 2 workbook pertaining to आ की मात्रा

Finally, we played a game of Pictionary. A student would pick out an English word from a piece of paper in a hat. They would then make a drawing of that word on the board. The teammates would then have to guess the word, in Hindi, and then write the word on a piece of paper. We only got to play a couple of rounds before time ran out, so we'll resume this on Week 6. For Week 6 we will also introduce छोटी इ की मात्रा

Also I would like to introduce Suneetha Mudunuri. Suneethaji will be helping teach the children. Welcome Suneetha Ji!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 4

रसरी आवत जात ते, सिल पर परत निसान

This week we started off by reviewing our adjectives from Week 3. The students also practiced writing the nouns that we learned in Week 2. Then we continued to practice forming sentences combining adjectives from Week 3 with nouns from Week 2.

We then went on to learn about आ की मात्रा
We learned the following words (meaning and spelling) :


Finally we played a game of Simon कहता है , which the kids enjoyed. We did phrases such as: Simon कहता है "कूदो!", and then the children had to jump. But only if I said Simon Says!

For homework, please try to make sure the students know the meanings of the words. Then ask them to form sentences with the words (आग गरम है ) If they have time they can also practice writing the words.

Next week we will continue forming sentences with the words, and we will also practice writing/spelling. We'll also go over concepts such as "I have" and "inside" (such as मेरे पास ____ and घर में ____  )