Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week 25, 26

  Thanks to all the students for their enthusiastic participation in Language Day!

This week we learned a few new words, and that brings us to the end of maatraas. Here are the words:

दौड़  (run) (dauR)

हथौड़ा (hammer)  (hathAuRaa)

तौलिया  (towel) (tauliyaa)

The kids then played a game of Pictionary as a way of reviewing all the words they have learned since the midterm exam.

For homework, please quiz your child. Give them the word in English, and see if they can give you the Hindi translation.

Here are the words:

तेल (oil) (tel)

केला (banana) (kelaa)

अकेला (alone) (akelaa) (what did the lonely banana say?)

पेट (stomach) (pet)

खेत (field) (khet)

सेब (apple) (seb)

देश (country) (desh)

पेड़ (tree) (peR)

शेर (Lion) (sher)

बेटी/बेटा  (Daughter/Son) (beTaa/beTii)

मेज़ (Table) (Mez)

पैर  (foot) (pair)

पैसा (money) (paisaa)

गैस (gas) 

गोल (gol) (round)

घोड़ा (ghoRaa) (horse)

चोर (chor) (thief)

छोटा (ChhoTaa) (small)

टोपी (Topii) (hat)

मोटा (moTaa) (fat) 

खिलौना (toy) (khilaunaa)

मौसम (weather) (mausam)

औरत (lady) (aurat)

दो (two) (do)

मोजा (sock) (mojaa)

मोर (peacock) (mor)

रोटी (roTi) (roTii)

दौड़  (run) (dauR)

हथौड़ा (hammer)  (hathAuRaa)

तौलिया  (towel) (tauliyaa)

Next week, we will begin present tense sentences...

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