Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week 27

  This year the children have learned 100+ words. They have learned the maatraas. They have also learned to say basic sentences in the present tense.
  For the next two classes we will review what we have learned. Here is a preview of the final examination:

Section 1: Reading
This will involve reading a word in Hindi, and then writing the English translation next to the word.
Your child will be shown 5 of the following words:

और   (and)
घोड़ा   (horse)
छोटा   (small/little)
मोटा (fat)
पैर  (foot)
पैसा  (money)
केला  (banana)
अकेला (alone) 
शेर  (lion) 
आलू  (potato)
चूहा  (mouse)
पूजा  (prayer)

Section 2: Writing
 1) Write the following sentence in Hindi: "My name is __(your child's name) .

मेरा नाम विकास  है। 

 2) Write the following words in Hindi (they will be given four out of the following):

We  (हम)
Flower (फूल)
Foot (पैर )
And (और)
I  ( मैं )
You (तुम)
Apple (सेब )
Lion ( शेर )
Thief (चोर)

Section 3: Oral
 Your child will be asked to say sentences with some of the following verbs:  Come (aa), Go (jaa), Sleep (so), Eat (khaa), Play (khel), Do (kar)
 These are the sentence patterns that they will be asked to say. (for illustrative purposes, I will use the verb "play", but they can be asked any of the verbs listed above.

I am playing.
You are playing.
She is playing.
He is playing.
We are playing.
The king is playing. 
The queen is playing. 
The king is playing Nintendo.
The queen is playing Nintendo.
I am playing Nintendo 

Next week I will post a video with some oral exercises.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 26

 This week's homework:

1) Ask you child to read the following out loud:










Please make sure your child is comfortable reading all their maatraas.

2) Ask your child to write the following words in Hindi:












Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week 25

  Here is a list of verbs we have learned so far:


  Today we learned a new one:

Talk = बोल  ("bol")

For homework, please have your child read the following words out loud. Next have them practice writing the words:


Next, have them practice saying the following sentences in Hindi:

I am talking.
She is talking.
He is talking.
You are talking.
We are talking.
The king is talking.
The queen is talking. 

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Week 24

  At this point, your child should be comfortable saying sentences in the following format: I am ___ing.

I am sleeping = Main so rahaa/rahii hoon 
मैं सो रहा हूँ /  मैं सो रही हूँ। 

They should also be comfortable using the following sentence structure:  The ___ is  ___ing.

The horse is eating: ghoRaa khaa rahaa hai
घोड़ा खा रहा है। 

Over the next 3 weeks, we would like you to help your child familiarize themselves with the following sentence structures. For illustration purposes, we will use the verb "come":

I am coming: Main aa rahaa/rahii hoon.
मैं आ रहा/रही हूँ। 

He is coming: Voh aa rahaa hai
वह आ रहा है। 

She is coming: Voh aa rahii hai
वह आ रही है। 

(Note that both "he" and "she" translate to "voh". It is the "rahaa/rahii" part that lets you know whether the "voh" is referring to a "he" or a "she")

Now let's look at the sentence "You are coming". In Hindi, the sentence is spoken differently if the "you" is a male or if the "you" is a female.

If the "you" is a male, then "you are coming" becomes: Tum aa rahe ho. तुम आ रहे हो। 

If the "you" is a female, then the "you are coming" becomes: Tum aa rahii ho. तुम आ रही हो। 

We are coming: Hum aa rahe hain (note the nasal sound in the word "hain". It is different from the non-nasal "hai") हम आ रहे हैं। 

This may all be a little confusing in the beginning, but we will keep practicing. The children are already catching on quite well.

Main khel rahaa/rahii hoon.
Tum khel rahe/rahii ho.
Hum khel rahe hain.
Voh khel rahaa/rahaa hai.
LaRkaa khel rahaa hai.
LaRkii khel rahii hai.

For homework, please have your child practice saying the following sentences in Hindi:

I am going.
You are going. ("you" is a boy)
You are going. ("you" is a girl)
He is going.
She is going.
The king is going.
The queen is going.
We are going.
I am eating.
You are eating. ("you" is a boy)
You are eating. ("you" is a girl)
He is eating.
She is eating.
The boy is eating.
The girl is eating.
We are eating. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week 23

 This week we learned a new verb: do
 In Hindi, this is "kar" (कर )

  Look at the following English sentence:

"I am eating."

   In Hindi, the words are re-arranged: "I eating am"
("main khaa rahaa hoon")

  Now what if we want to say:

"I am eating a banana"

  How is this re-arranged in Hindi? The word "banana" would go after the word "I". In other words: "I banana eating am" ("main kelaa khaa rahii hoon")

"I am playing cricket" --> "I cricket playing am" ("main cricket khel rahaa hoon")

"I am doing yoga" --> "I yoga doing am" ("main yoga kar rahaa hoon"


1) Show your child the following words. Ask them to read the word out loud and then translate the word in English:







2) Have your child say the following sentences in Hindi:

- The queen is doing yoga
- I am doing yoga
- I am eating a banana
- The king is eating a banana
- The girl is playing cricket
- I am playing cricket

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week 22

  This week the children were introduced to the final maatra: औ 

म + औ + स + अ + म = मौसम  ("mausam") (weather)

   Note the difference in the sound between ओ and औ

ओ makes an "o" sound like you would hear in the words: boat, rope, jello

The औ sound is closer to (but not exactly) what you would hear in words like: hot, call, saw

Here are the new words from this week:

खिलौना (toy) (khilaunaa)
मौसम (weather) (mausam)
औरत (lady) (aurat)
और (and) (aur)
पौधा (plant) (paudha)

Previously we learned to say present continuous sentences with the following verbs:
Eat (khaa), Drink (pii), come (aa), go (jaa)
This week, we learned:

Play (khel)
Sleep (so)

For homework, please:
1) Have your child practice writing the औ words.
2) Ask your child to say the following sentences in Hindi:
- I am playing
- The lion is playing
- I am sleeping
- The queen is sleeping

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week 21

   We started off the day reviewing the ओ maatraa with the children. We then spend much of the class doing verbal exercises.

  Recall how we say the following sentence in Hindi: "I am coming"

"Main aa rahii hoon" (girl)  "Main aa rahaa hoon" (boy)

  If you replace "I" in the sentence with a noun, then the sentence ends in "hai" instead of "hoon". So, "The king is coming" becomes:

"Raja aa rahaa hai."

  Have your child recognize the patterns:

I am coming  =  Main aa rahaa hoon.
Arjun is coming = Arjun aa rahaa hai.
The queen is coming =  Raanii aa rahii hai.

A couple of weeks ago we learned the verbs: Coming, Going.
Today we learned these new verbs: Eating, Drinking.

Come = Aa
Go = Jaa
Eat = Khaa
Drink = Pii

I am eating = Main khaa rahaa/rahii hoon
I am drinking = Main pii rahaa/rahii hoon

Homework this week is all oral. Have your child look at these sentences carefully. Then have your child say the sentences in Hindi. Be sure that they are ending the sentences with the correct word (Hai or Hoon).

1) I am eating.
2) The elephant is eating.
3) I am drinking.
4) The queen is drinking
5) I am coming.
6) The king is coming
7) I am going.
7) The elephant is going.

Answers in the video:


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week 20

  This week we learned the next maatraa: ओ  (The "o" sound)

क + ओ = को 
र + ओ = रो 

 A review of the maatraas so far:

क + आ = का  (kaa)

क + इ = कि  (ki)

क + ई = की  (kee)

क + उ = कु  (ku)

क + ऊ = कू  (koo)

क + ए = के  (ke)

क + ऐ = कै  (kai)

क + ओ = को  (ko)

 We then learned the following words with the ओ maatraa:

घोड़ा  (ghoRaa) (horse)

चोर  (chor) (thief)

मोर (mor) (peackock)

छोटा (CchoTaa) (small)

मोटा  (moTaa) (fat)

टोपी  (Topii) (hat)

रोटी (roTii)

 For our oral lesson today, we reviewed how to say the following sentences in Hindi:

"I am coming"
"I am going"

I am coming: Main aa rahaa/rahii hoon
I am going: Main jaa rahaa/rahii hoon.

For  homework, look at the following pictures and write the translation in Hindi:

Image result for fat

Image result for thief

Image result for horse

Image result for fat horse

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week 19

We started off with a review.

1) First we reviewed how to write two important words:

Me/I = मैं 

Is = है 

We then practiced writing the sentence:  

मेरा नाम ____ है। 

2) We then reviewed how to say sentences in the following structure:

I am __(adjective)__ .

You are __(adjective)___.

The (noun) is ___(adjective)___. 


Main laal hoon (I am red)

Tum laal ho (You are red)

GaaRii laal hai (The car is red)

We then moved on to the following new concept. We learned how to say sentences in the following format:

I am __(verb)ing__ .

In Hindi, the order of the words becomes: I __(verb)ing__ am.

"I am sleeping" would be rearranged to "I sleeping am"

We learned two new verbs today: Come (aa) and Go (jaa)
You then add the word "rahaa (male) or rahii (female)" to give the "ing" form of the verb.
Coming = Aa rahaa/rahii
Going = Jaa rahaa/rahii
We already know that "I" is "main" and "am" is "hoon"


I AM COMING = Main aa rahaa/rahii hoon.
I AM GOING = Main jaa rahaa/rahii hoon.

We will spend much of the remaining semester learning different verbs and how to use them in the present continuous tense.

For homework,
1) Please have your child practice writing:

मेरा नाम ____ है। 

2) Ask your child to practice saying the following sentences in Hindi:

I am hot.
You are hot.
The fire is hot.
I am small.
You are small.
The mouse is small. 
I am coming.
I am going: 


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week 18

This week we learned a new maatraa: ऐ 
This maatraa is similar to the ए maatraa -- it goes above the letter. However instead of one line, there are two lines:

क + ए  = के 

क + ऐ = कै

Distinguish between the different sounds that these maatras make. 
The "ay" sound in के  is fairly similar to the sound you would hear in the English word "CAKE"
The "ai" sound in कै is fairly similar to the sound you would hear in the word "QUACK"

We learned the following words:

मैं (me/I) (note the dot at the top, which gives the nasal sound)

है  (is)

पैर (foot)

पैसा (money)

At this point, your child now has the skill-set to write the sentence "My name is ____ " in Hindi.


Write the following sentence 3 times (have your child write their name in Hindi also):

 मेरा नाम _____ है। 

Write the following word 3 times:  मैं 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Week 17

 We started off by reviewing all the maatraas that we have learned so far. At this point we expect your child to be able to comfortably read and say  the sounds below:







  We then reviewed the ए maatraa words from last week, and learned two new words:

सेब (apple)

अकेला (lonely, alone)

 For homework this week, please have your child practice writing all the ए maatras words that we have learned:

मेराकेलाशेरपेट, पेड़ सेबअकेला 

 Also please have your child practice saying the following sentences in Hindi:

"You are red"
"You are not red"
"I am red"
"I am not red"


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week 16

   This week we moved on to the ए maatraa. The ए maatraa goes above the consonant:

क + ए = के 
म + ए + र + आ = मेरा 

  We learned the following words:

मेरा / मेरी (meraa / merii) (my)
केला (kelaa) (banana)
पेट (pet) (stomach)
शेर (sher) (lion)
पेड़ (peR) (tree)

 For our oral lesson today, we reviewed the Hindi translation of the word "and" ("aur")


  Look at the following pictures, and say the word out loud in Hindi. Then, match the pictures to the words:
शेर , पेट , केला , पेड़ 
Bananas contain fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, among other good-for-you vitamins and minerals.

Lion brothers nuzzle one another on the grasslands of Masai Mara, Kenya

Image result for banyan tree

Image result for stomach

Say the following sentences in Hindi:
1) My stomach is big 
2) This tree is small and green
3) The lion is clean and happy
4) My banana is yellow
5) I am alone (this one isn't in the video; the translation is "main akelaa hoon" or "main akelii hoon")

Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 15

 We started off by reviewing the words we learned last session:

सूरज  (sooraj) (sun)

फूल  (phool) (flower)

चूहा (choohaa) (mouse)

जूता (jootaa) (shoe)

दूध (doodh) (milk)

 We then learned the following new words:

आलू (aaloo) (potato)

पूजा (poojaa) (prayer)

भालू (bhaaloo) (bear)

We then focused on saying sentences with the following structures:

I am _____
You are ____

Remember how we say the following sentences in Hindi:

The ___ is  ____.

For example, The fire is hot
In Hindi, this is: Aag garam hai

If you are trying to say: I am ___ , the sentence ends with the word "hoon" instead of "hai"
If you are trying to say: You are  ___  (and we will use the "tum" / familiar form of you), the sentence ends with "ho" instead of hai.

For example:
The elephant is pretty = Haathii sundar hai
I am pretty = Main sundar hoon
You are pretty = Tum sundar ho

Part 1: Practice writing आलू , पूजा , भालू 
Part 2: 
Say the following sentences in Hindi:

1) I am pink
2) You are pink
3) I am hot
4) You are hot
5) The elephant is red
6) I am red
7) You are red
