Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 15

 We started off by reviewing the words we learned last session:

सूरज  (sooraj) (sun)

फूल  (phool) (flower)

चूहा (choohaa) (mouse)

जूता (jootaa) (shoe)

दूध (doodh) (milk)

 We then learned the following new words:

आलू (aaloo) (potato)

पूजा (poojaa) (prayer)

भालू (bhaaloo) (bear)

We then focused on saying sentences with the following structures:

I am _____
You are ____

Remember how we say the following sentences in Hindi:

The ___ is  ____.

For example, The fire is hot
In Hindi, this is: Aag garam hai

If you are trying to say: I am ___ , the sentence ends with the word "hoon" instead of "hai"
If you are trying to say: You are  ___  (and we will use the "tum" / familiar form of you), the sentence ends with "ho" instead of hai.

For example:
The elephant is pretty = Haathii sundar hai
I am pretty = Main sundar hoon
You are pretty = Tum sundar ho

Part 1: Practice writing आलू , पूजा , भालू 
Part 2: 
Say the following sentences in Hindi:

1) I am pink
2) You are pink
3) I am hot
4) You are hot
5) The elephant is red
6) I am red
7) You are red


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