Sunday, February 6, 2022

Week 18

 Today we reviewed the words used to ask questions:

What = kyaa

When = kab

Where = kahaan

Why = kyon

Who = kaun

Which = kaunsaa

 The children were introduced to the final maatra: औ

Note the difference in the sound between ओ and औ

ओ makes an "o" sound like you would hear in the words: boat, rope, jello

The औ sound is closer to (but not exactly) what you would hear in words like: hot, call, saw

Here are the new words from this week:

खिलौना (toy) (khilaunaa)
मौसम (weather) (mausam)
औरत (lady) (aurat)
और (and) (aur)
कौन (who) (kaun)

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