Sunday, December 16, 2018

Week 14

    This week we moved on to the next maatraa. Previously we had learned the "chhoTii u kii maatraa", which makes the "u" sound that you hear in English words like "pull" and "full". This week, we learned the "baRii u kii maatraa." This maatraa makes the long "oo" sound, like in the English words "pool" and "fool"
 Like the previous maatraa, this one is also written underneath. But it points in a different direction.


प + उ + ल = पुल  (pronounced "pull")

प  + ऊ  + ल = पूल  (pronounced "pool")

 These are the words we learned today:

सूरज  (sooraj) (sun)

फूल  (phool) (flower)

चूहा (choohaa) (mouse)

जूता (jootaa) (shoe)

दूध (doodh) (milk)

 For homework, please have your child practice writing the above words.
 Next, ask them to say the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The sun is hot
2) Where is the flower?
3) This mouse is small
4) My shoe is dirty
5) The milk is here.


Friday, November 23, 2018

Midterm Preview


 The student will be shown 5 words written in Hindi, and they will be asked to write the English translation of the word.
  5 of the following words will be shown:


 The student will be shown 5 words written in English, and they will be asked to write the word in Hindi.
 5 of the following words will be shown:



 The students will be asked to say 5 sentences in Hindi. The sentences will be in the following format:

1) The  __(noun)__ is   __(adjective)___
example: The fire is hot

2) This ___(noun)  is ___(adjective)___
example: This fire is hot

3) The ___(noun)___ is not __(adjective)__
example: The fire is not hot

4) That ___(noun) is ___(adjective)___
example: That fire is hot

5) My ___(noun) is  ___(here or there) ___
example:  My fire is here (or my fire is there)

This is the list of nouns that we will choose from:

This is the list of adjectives that we will choose from:

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Week 9

  This week we introduced the children to the उ maatraa. Just like with इ and ई , please remind your child to be careful with pronunciation. The उ sound is a short "u" sound, similar to what you hear in the English word "Full"  (not what you hear in the English word "fool")
 The previous maatraas that we learned are either placed to the left or the right of the letter. However, the उ  maatraa goes underneath.

प + उ + ल = पुल 

झ + उ + क + आ + म = झुकाम 

We learned the following words:

खुश  (khush) (happy)

चुप (chup) (quiet)

कुछ (kuch) (some)

गुलाबी (gulaabii) (pink)

गुड़िया (guRiyaa) (doll)

For homework, there are two parts. For the first part, ask your child to write the above 5 words. For the second part, ask them to say the following sentences in Hindi:

That boy is quiet.
Where is the pink doll?
The happy queen is here.

Answers below:

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week 8

  Today we reviewed the words from last week, and then learned two new words:

कहानी  (kahaanii) (story)

दही (dahii) (yogurt)

We then learned how to say sentences with the following structure:

1) Where is the ____ ?

2) The ____ is here.

3) The ____ is there.

Let's first look at example 1: Where is the elephant?
The word for "where" is "kahaan" (pronounced with a nasal "n" at the end; see the video at the end of this page).

Where is the elephant? In Hindi, this becomes:
Elephant where is?

Now for example 2: The elephant is here.
The word for here is "yahaan" (again, nasal "n" at the end)
The elephant is here becomes:
Elephant here is

Example 3: The elephant is there.
The words for "there" is "VAHAAN"
The elephant is there becomes:
Elephant there is

"The elephant is not there" becomes:
Elephant there not is

For homework, have your child practice saying the following in Hindi:

1) Where is the butterfly?
2) The butterfly is here.
3) Where is the elephant?
4) The elephant is there.
5) Where is the car?
6) The car is not here.
7) The car is there.

Answers are in the video below:

And finally, happy Diwali!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week 7

This week we learned the ई maatraa.

Please make sure your child can distinguish the difference between the sounds of इ and ई

इ makes a short "i" sound, like what you hear in the following English words: "hit"  "pill"

ई makes a long "ee" sound, like in the words: "feel" "cheer"

When the ई maatraa is in the middle or end of a word, it is written as follows:

क + ई + ल = कील  (pronounced: keeeel)
ग + ल + ई  = गली 

(compare this to the इ  maatra , which goes to the left)
क + इ + ल = किल  (pronounced: kill)

Here are the new words from this week:

मीठा (miiThaa) (sweet)

गाड़ी (gaaRii) (car)

तीन (tiin) (three)

हाथी (haathii) (elephant)

घड़ी (ghaRii) (watch/clock)

पानी (paanii) (water)

रानी (raanii) (queen)

मछली (machhalii) (fish)

तितली (titalii) (butterfly)

पीला (piilaa) (yellow)

नीला (niilaa) (blue)

गीला (giilaa) (wet)

For homework this week, please have your child practice saying the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The car is black.
2) That elephant is big.
3) My watch is small.
4) The water is not cold.
5) That queen is pretty.
6) This bird is yellow.
7) That fish is red.
8) This laddoo is sweet.
9) My hair is wet.
10) That butterfly is blue.

Answers are here:

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 6

Today we reviewed the इ words that we learned last week. We then also reviewed sentence formation.
 Homework this week consists of 2 parts:

1) PART 1:
Practice writing the following words:






2) PART 2:

Look at the pictures below, and say the word in Hindi. Then match the pictures with the words written at the bottom:

Image result for heart

Image result for book

Image result for bird

Image result for diya

Image result for hairy nose


Image result for fire



Sunday, October 14, 2018

Week 5

  This week we learned about the letter इ , and how it is used in words.
  When a word starts with इ , you write the letter as you normally would (just as you would if a word starts with अ  or आ ). However if इ is in the middle or at the end of the word, then it becomes the "ChhoTii i kii maatra"

क + इ  = कि 

ब + इ = बि 

Please emphasize to your child the pronunciation of "इ ". It is the short "i" sound, like in the English words "bill" or "hit"
Please make sure your child doesn't make the longer "ee" sound that is in words like "key" and "bee"

Today we learned the following words:

दिन (din)  (day)
दिल (dil)   (heart)
किताब (kitaab) (book)
पिता (pitaa)  (father)
गिलास (gilaas) (glass)
चिड़िया (chiRiyaa)  (bird)
दिया (diyaa)  (diya)

For homework, ask your child to say the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The day is good

2) My heart is big

3) That book is black

4) My father is not small

5) This glass is cold

6) That bird is pretty

7) This diya is hot

Answers are in the video below:

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 4

  We spent the first half of the class today reviewing the words we've learned over the past 3 weeks. 
  We then learned how to make basic sentences that start with either the word "THIS" or the word "THAT." or the word "MY"

The word "THIS" in Hindi is "yeh"
The word "THAT" in Hindi is "voh"
The word "MY" in Hindi is "meraa" or "merii" 

"This house is big" becomes:
Yeh ghar baRaa hai

"That house is big" becomes:
Voh ghar baRaa hai

"My house is big" is:
Meraa ghar baRaa hai

"This house is not big" is:
Yeh ghar baRaa nahiin hai

This week's homework:

1) Practice writing the following Hindi words:

2) Say the following sentences in Hindi:

- This fire is hot
- That fire is not hot
- My nose is not big
- That nose is big 
Image result for big nose

Next week we will learn the ि  maatraa
Here are the answers to part 2 of this week's homework:

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Week 3

  Today we started learning words with the आ  (aah) sound in them. When a word starts with आ , the full letter आ  is used.
For example:

आज (aaj) (today)
आग (aag) (fire)

 However, when the "aah" sound is used in either the middle or the end of the word, then it is written as a "maatraa". You drop the "अ " part of the letter, and keep the "ा " part.

 So क+आ+न would be written as कान 
ल+आ+ल would be written as लाल 

Here are the 10 words we learned today:

आज (aaj) (today)
आग (aag) (fire)
लाल (laal) (red)
काला (kaala) (black)
बाल (baal) (hair)
हाथ (haath) (hand)
दाल (daal) 
कान (kaan) (ear)
नाक (naak) (nose)
चार (chaar) (four)

We practiced  making sentences with the above words in the format:
The __(noun)___ is ___(adjective)___
The __(noun___ isn't ___(adjective)___

For homework this week, show your child the following pictures, and ask them to tell you what the picture is in Hindi. Then ask speak a basic sentence with the word.

Image result for nose

Image result for fire

Image result for ear

Image result for daal

Image result for hand
Image result for hair

Image result for house

Image result for fruit

Image result for dirty
Image result for clean

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 2

  We spent the first half of the class playing games that helped us review the nouns we learned last week.
  We then added a few more adjectives to our oral repertoire:
Pink (gulaabii)
White (safed)
Hot (garam)
Cold (ThanDaa)
Good (achhaa)
Bad (buraa / kharaab)
Clean (saaf)
Dirty (gandaa)

We then practiced saying sentences such as:

The house is dirty
(ghar gandaa hai)

The fruit is cold
(phal ThanDaa hai)

** Next we learned how to say sentences in the following format: 
The (noun) is not (adjective).
For example: The house is not big.
In Hindi, the words get rearranged in the following fashion:
House big not is.
Remember, "the" gets dropped, and "is" always goes at the end. "Not" goes right before "is." The word for "not" is the same word as the word in Hindi for "no": "nahii"

The house is big = ghar baRaa hai
The house is not big = ghar baRaa nahii hai

For homework this week, please do the following:

1) Practice writing the following Hindi words twice. Know their definitions (see Week 1 blog):


2) Say the following sentences in Hindi (answers are in the video embedded below)

 - The house is big
 - The house is not small
 - The fruit is good
 - The fruit is not dirty
 - The bus is clean
 - The bus is not bad

Next week, we will start learning words with our first maatraa.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Week 1

Welcome everyone to Hindi-2!
Here you will find a summary of the week's lesson, along with homework. 

We started off playing a game that involved recognizing letters that were written on the board. The kids were rusty, but that is to be expected after a long summer break! So that brings us to homework, part 1. Please show your child the following letters, and see if they recognize them:







Next we learned how to put three sounds together to make two-letter words:
For example, k + uh + l  (क + अ + ल )
When you write the word in Hindi, the middle अ is dropped, so you basically write the two consonants in succession.
क + अ + ल = कल 
घ + अ  + र  = घर 

We learned the following 5 words:

कल  (yesterday/tomorrow)
फल (fruit)
घर (house/home)
बस (bus)
दस (ten)

Homework part 2: please have your child practice writing the 5 words above. Once by having them copy the word as they see it, and the 2nd time by telling them the word in English and asking them to write it in Hindi (that will probably be tough for now)

Finally the students, came up with adjectives in order to form basic sentences with the above words. These are the adjectives that we have learned so far:
black ("kaalaa")
yellow ("peelaa")
red ("laal")
green ("haraa")
big ("baRaa")
small ("ChhoTaa")
round ("gol")

For the speaking part of the lesson, we explored how to say sentences in the following format:
The ____ is ____
In Hindi, the word "the" is not used, and then the order of the last two words is flipped.
The English sentence "The bus is yellow" would turn into "bus yellow is" when it is translated into Hindi.
The English sentence "The house is red" would turn into "house red is".

Homework part 3. Please have your child try to say the following sentences in Hindi:

The fruit is small
The house is big
The bus is red

Here is what that would sound like in Hindi:

Friday, July 13, 2018

Summer 1

  It has been a good month since we finished the school year, so I thought it might be a good time to do some review exercises.
 This exercise will focus on reading skills. Now that your child knows the Maatraas, they should theoretically be able to read most words.

  So in this exercise, ask you child to try to read the words written in Hindi below. And once they read the word, they can match it to the correct picture at the bottom.
I will post the answer key next time.

1) की 

2) डोर 

3) बोल 

4) कार 

5) सन 

6) जूपिटर 

7) मैन 

8) पेपर 

9) वाटर 

10) शीप 

Image result for sun

Image result for sheep

Image result for key

Image result for water

Image result for jupiter

Image result for door

Image result for man

Image result for paper

Image result for bowl

Image result for car

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week 28

  Next week is our final class before the midterms. It is also time for the Hindi 2 BAZAAR! Over the last several months your children have been earning virtual money. They will now get to spend that money at the bazaar.
  Next week I will also be administering the final exam to those who will not be here on June 10th and have been unable to make any other alternate arrangements with me.
 Here is a preview of the final exam:

For the oral exam, we will ask the student to translate 5 sentences into Hindi. The sentence formats are shown below. The words that they will need to know are also listed below.

Translate the following sentences into Hindi:

1) This ___ is ____ 

Examples: This fire is hot
(Yeh aag garam hai)

This nose is big
(Yeh naak baRaa hai)

2) The ____ ____ is ____ing.


The big man is sleeping
(baRaa aadmii so rahaa hai)

3) The ____ ____ is ____ing

(Same as above)

4) The ____ ____ is _____ing

(same as above)

5) I am ____ing

Example: I am sleeping
(main so rahaa/rahii hoon)


sher (lion)
beTaa/beTii (Son/daughter)
ghoRaa (horse)
chor (thief)
aurat (woman)
mor (peacock)

Good (Achchaa)
Sweet (MeeThaa)
Red (Laal)
Big (baRaa)
Small (ChoTaa)
Green (Haraa)
Black (Kaalaa)
Hot (Garam)
Cold (ThanDaa)
Alone (akelaa)

Eat (khaa)
Sleep (so)
Come (aa)
Go (jaa)
Jump (kood)
Play (khel)
Run (dauR)


The student will be shown a selection of 5 of the following words, and they will be asked to write down the English meaning of the word:

तौलिया  (towel) 
हथौड़ा (hammer)  
मोजा (sock) 
मौसम (weather) 
खिलौना (toy) 
छोटा (small)
घोड़ा  (horse)
पैर  (foot) 
पैसा (money) 
मेज़ (Table) 
अकेला (alone)
खेत (field) 

The student will be given 5 of the following words in English, and they will be asked to write the words in Hindi:

(run)              दौड़  
(sock)           मोजा 
(two)             दो 
(peacock)     मोर 
(hat)           टोपी 
(fat)        मोटा 
(foot)             पैर  
(money)        पैसा 
(country)       देश 
(tree)            पेड़ 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Week 27

This week we learned how to say present tense sentences in the following format:

The ____ is ____ing.

For example: The king is sleeping.

In hindi, the sentence would have the noun (RAAJAA) followed by the verb root (SO) followed by "RAHAA HAI"

So, "The king is sleeping" in Hindi would be "Raajaa so rahaa hai"
"The horse is sleeping" would be "ghoRaa so rahaa hai"

If the noun is feminine, then instead of RAHAA HAI, you would say RAHII HAI
So, "The queen is sleeping" would be "raanii so rahii hai"

We learned the following verbs:

Eat (khaa)
Sleep (so)
Run (dauR)
Play (khel)
Walk (chal)
Fly (uR)
Talk (bol)
Write (likh)
Read (paRh)
Jump (kood)

This will all be tested on the oral part of the final exam, so please have your child practice the words.

For homework, please have your child try to say the following sentences in Hindi:

1) The lion is eating
Image result for lion eating

2) The woman is sleeping
Young woman's sleeping on couch. In home.

3) The daughter is playing

Image result for girl playing
4) The thief is running

Image result for thief running

5) The fat horse is jumping.

Image result for fat horse jumping

The video below demonstrates how to say the above sentences:

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week 25, 26

  Thanks to all the students for their enthusiastic participation in Language Day!

This week we learned a few new words, and that brings us to the end of maatraas. Here are the words:

दौड़  (run) (dauR)

हथौड़ा (hammer)  (hathAuRaa)

तौलिया  (towel) (tauliyaa)

The kids then played a game of Pictionary as a way of reviewing all the words they have learned since the midterm exam.

For homework, please quiz your child. Give them the word in English, and see if they can give you the Hindi translation.

Here are the words:

तेल (oil) (tel)

केला (banana) (kelaa)

अकेला (alone) (akelaa) (what did the lonely banana say?)

पेट (stomach) (pet)

खेत (field) (khet)

सेब (apple) (seb)

देश (country) (desh)

पेड़ (tree) (peR)

शेर (Lion) (sher)

बेटी/बेटा  (Daughter/Son) (beTaa/beTii)

मेज़ (Table) (Mez)

पैर  (foot) (pair)

पैसा (money) (paisaa)

गैस (gas) 

गोल (gol) (round)

घोड़ा (ghoRaa) (horse)

चोर (chor) (thief)

छोटा (ChhoTaa) (small)

टोपी (Topii) (hat)

मोटा (moTaa) (fat) 

खिलौना (toy) (khilaunaa)

मौसम (weather) (mausam)

औरत (lady) (aurat)

दो (two) (do)

मोजा (sock) (mojaa)

मोर (peacock) (mor)

रोटी (roTi) (roTii)

दौड़  (run) (dauR)

हथौड़ा (hammer)  (hathAuRaa)

तौलिया  (towel) (tauliyaa)

Next week, we will begin present tense sentences...

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Week 24

This week we learned the following words:

दो (two)

मोजा (sock)

मोर (peacock)

रोटी (roTi)

and then we moved on to final maatra (ौ ):

खिलौना (toy)

मौसम (weather)

औरत (lady)

For homework, please say the above words in English, and ask your child to translate the word into Hindi.
Next, please have the practice writing the words.

Please remind your child of the different placements of the maatras.
The ो  maatra is placed AFTER the consonant, where as the े maatra is placed ABOVE the consonant.

So "Ko" would be written as को 
Whereas "Kay" would be written as के 

Finally please ask your child to continue practicing the 3 songs for Language Day. There are only a few lines per song, and the students are catching on quickly. Next week will be our last rehearsal, as there is no class on April 15th. Language Day is on April 22nd.

Here are the songs:

1) First verse of Meraa Joota Hai Japani

2) Aaj Mangalvaar Hai:

3) Tamatar song: